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Symmetry Services


Service Area


We offer a variety of services for SMSFs including structure, setup, advice, rollovers, administration and compliance. We are totally independent. We do not sell products and do not receive any fees or commissions from referrals. This means you will always receive advice that is in your best interests.

Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) 

Ability to invest direct in property.

SMSFs can be the most tax-effective entity.

Greater control of investments within your superannuation.

Potential higher net returns.

Ability to draw-down a tax-free pension once you reach retirement age.

Ability to increase your super balance through contribution strategies.


Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) 

More and more people are realising the advantages of making their own investment decisions and taking control of their retirement strategy. However, the rules governing how an SMSF must be run are onerous and complex and there are severe penalties for getting it wrong. This is where you need specialist advice. Whether it is doing property development, contributing to your SMSF, knowing what products you can invest in or setting up a pension, we can ensure that you make the correct decisions and remain compliant with the law. We are also happy to answer any questions or concerns that you might have in an easy to understand, jargon-free manner.

Key Benefits

The contents of this website are for general information only. It is not and is not intended to provide taxation, accounting, business, financial, legal or other professional advice and should not be acted or relied upon as such. Specific professional advice should be sought in respect of particular circumstances and requirements, as the information may not be suitable or applicable to particular circumstances and should not be acted or relied upon.
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